50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Here there. No one in yet?

I am now.

And the week started well again (NOT :()

My chef isn't back yet, and I read in the newspapers that NMBS/SNCB/NGBE is planning a strike on April 30. Fortunately I have already planned an alternative route via Hasselt-Maastricht-Aachen.

(but this not being sure yet, all depends on the unions and the Railway company, if they come to an agreement.)


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I am now.

And the week started well again (NOT :()

My chef isn't back yet, and I read in the newspapers that NMBS/SNCB/NGBE is planning a strike on April 30. Fortunately I have already planned an alternative route via Hasselt-Maastricht-Aachen.

(but this not being sure yet, all depends on the unions and the Railway company, if they come to an agreement.)

aw shit.. :( You're very unlucky at the moment *hugs*