50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
belfast is just bad and bad, full of dickheads and crap weather.
the local music is great though, its a shame that the metal 'scene' (hate that word) over here doesn't get that much exposure.

Well the metal scene here is non existent. Reggae, Rap, Pop and Hawaiian are mainly what people like here. The weather is good most of the time but the cost of living is very high and ignorant boneheads are very common.
thus is life, we have great bands but no real structure to support them. our best venue for gigs and shows was basically turned into a fucking disco, A DISCO!!!!
if you wanna check out some of our local hallions just visit my page (should be linked to my profile somewhere), it ges straight to my bands page and then pretty much all of the links are to other local bands or labels.
out of curiosity, what time is it in hawaii?


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
thus is life, we have great bands but no real structure to support them. our best venue for gigs and shows was basically turned into a fucking disco, A DISCO!!!!
if you wanna check out some of our local hallions just visit my page (should be linked to my profile somewhere), it ges straight to my bands page and then pretty much all of the links are to other local bands or labels.
out of curiosity, what time is it in hawaii?

Sounds cool! i'll check that out, thanks! Don't get me wrong, it is overall good living here. just not the total paradise some make it out to be. The time here is 11:34pm. What time is it in Ireland?
10:34 AM, in work...looking forward to i leave!
yeah i'd imagine that it wouldn't be all big guys in floral shirts with Ukelale's the way television depicts it, I find it hilarious the way that people just classify different places like that. although mostly when people say about belfast and how war torn it is they are generally right. its not the gaza strip but the whole local politics of this place makes it very hostile regarding peoples religions, theres a big divide between protestants and catholics over here, its quite sad really!


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
10:34 AM, in work...looking forward to i leave!
yeah i'd imagine that it wouldn't be all big guys in floral shirts with Ukelale's the way television depicts it, I find it hilarious the way that people just classify different places like that. although mostly when people say about belfast and how war torn it is they are generally right. its not the gaza strip but the whole local politics of this place makes it very hostile regarding peoples religions, theres a big divide between protestants and catholics over here, its quite sad really!

Yeah that sounds rather sad and bleak, surely no picnic. Sounds like a very hard life there. I am at work as well, 2 hours until I am done. There are a lot of big guys and a lot of floral shirts here and of course the ukuleles, but it's not the way it's depicted. Will you be attending WOA? This will be my second time, 2003 was my first.