5 things forum game

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Originally posted by monochrom
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Franz Kafka
Willy Shakespeare
Fjodor Dostojewski
H.P. Lovecraft

Crappiest books ever

-The bible, koran and all the other religious "how to do" books
-Mächte des Lichtes (forgot the author and no idea about the english title - I started to read it and threw it away at page 100 or so)
-Lord of the Rings (I read 200 pages and I never read anything boring like that)
-Natural Born Killers (The Book is writen after that movie got such a succes)
-The biografies of all that boring "wanna be importants" people try to write now (never read anyone of em but you don´t need to try anything to know it´s shit)
-A Clockwork Orang (the BEST book ever, I just needed to mention it, you all must read it :D:D:D:D:D)

Best quotations from movies


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Best quotations from movies
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like...victory" -- Col. Kilgore, Apocalypse Now

"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses." -- Elwood Blues, The Blues Brothers

"Do you have the Beatles White Album? Never mind, just bring me a cup of hot fat. And the head of Alfredo Garcia." -- Irving Fletcher, Fletch

"I will operate with these"
-- Beverly Mantle, Dead Ringers

"In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." -- Harry Lime, The Third Man

Five zany philosophers?
Originally posted by mugabe
Five zany philosophers?

-George W. Bush (I relay hope that this is a clown)
-The guy that invented scientology (damn, I´m not awake yet, can´t remember the name)
-Matt Groening (THAT is what I call philosophie :D:D:D)
-Cock and Ball Torture (ever read the titkes oif their songs :D)
-Green Jelly (*sings* little pig, little pig....)

5 names that stands for just great movies


9 Feb. 2004
-Phil Anselmo (Pantera)
-Max Cavalera (ex Sepultura)
-Matt Barlow (ex iced earth)
-George Fisher (Cannibal Corpse)
-Peter Tagtgren (Hypocrisy)

I wanted to list Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford but I suspect that they've been castrated lol

5 things you hate about wacken?
Originally posted by mugabe
David Cronenberg (dir.)
Jörg Buttgereit (dir.)
Francis Ford Coppola (dir.)
Humphrey Bogart (act.)
Johnny Depp (act.)

Five great uncastrated metal vocalists?

YOu know Jörg Buttgereit? Cool! :)

Bo Summer (Illdisposed/Panzerchrist)
John Tardy (Obituary)
CHris Barnes (Ex Cannibal Corpse/Sic Feet Under)
Corporate Death (Macabre)
Jamie Bailey (Brodequin:D)

persons that would make the world a better place if they die very soon.
Originally posted by WolfLust
-Phil Anselmo (Pantera)
-Max Cavalera (ex Sepultura)
-Matt Barlow (ex iced earth)
-George Fisher (Cannibal Corpse)
-Peter Tagtgren (Hypocrisy)

I wanted to list Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford but I suspect that they've been castrated lol

5 things you hate about wacken?

Damn, you were a bit faster :D:D:D:D

-The heat the last two years
-a lot of idiots who don´t know fun (ask mugabe, mono and me about last year)
-getting more and more people taking metal much too serious
-the beer
-that we may first come on the forumscamp on wednesday

persons that would make the world a better place if they die very soon.


9 Feb. 2004
wow seems like u guys really hate manowar on this forum lol

-wine from time to time

Best 5 cartoon movies? Come on show your metal spirit lol (im just bored hah)
Originally posted by WolfLust
wow seems like u guys really hate manowar on this forum lol

-wine from time to time

Best 5 cartoon movies? Come on show your metal spirit lol (im just bored hah)

SOme love em, some hate em ;)

Fritz the Cat
Animal Farm
Heavy Traffic
Das kleine Arschloch

Cool symbols