5 things forum game

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 März 2006
dittohead schrieb:
careful..or ill get denise to kick you:p
ok... uhm... she was what 1,65 and tiny right.... well i'm the opposite... 1,80 and not tiny (but i'm not fat either) so i don't think denise is going to kick my ass..... *evil grin* nor will you :D


W:O:A Metalhead
Nemesiss schrieb:
ok... uhm... she was what 1,65 and tiny right.... well i'm the opposite... 1,80 and not tiny (but i'm not fat either) so i don't think denise is going to kick my ass..... *evil grin* nor will you :D

You called it with the first answer Nemesis. I'm a scatter-brain :(.

As for Dittohead's question, in order of probability of working:

2. Concern about matters she has previously discussed with you
3. Being frank, open, not coming off as fake
4. Compliments (dress, not features :p )
5. Flowers

5 ways to get me to remember to ask a question after spitting out 5 answers.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Alrek schrieb:
You called it with the first answer Nemesis. I'm a scatter-brain :(.

As for Dittohead's question, in order of probability of working:

2. Concern about matters she has previously discussed with you
3. Being frank, open, not coming off as fake
4. Compliments (dress, not features :p )
5. Flowers

5 ways to get me to remember to ask a question after spitting out 5 answers.

1 drill a hole in your head
2 slap you with a frozen wet fish
3 chop your head off with my axe
4 smash your head into a wall
5 feed you to the lions

:D ;)

5 Ways to kill a vegan straightedge hardcore lover :p


W:O:A Metalhead
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:
1 drill a hole in your head
2 slap you with a frozen wet fish
3 chop your head off with my axe
4 smash your head into a wall
5 feed you to the lions

:D ;)

5 Ways to kill a vegan straightedge hardcore lover :p

1. grind alive and make into sausages
2. dice alive and make into hamburgers
3. dress him/her up as a dog and send to Korea :p
4. dress him/her up as a whale and send to Japan :p
5. Why are you asking me this when you have an axe?!

5 ways to make sure that axe doesn't get anywhere near my neck.


W:O:A Metalhead
8 Juli 2003
Alrek schrieb:
1. grind alive and make into sausages
2. dice alive and make into hamburgers
3. dress him/her up as a dog and send to Korea :p
4. dress him/her up as a whale and send to Japan :p
5. Why are you asking me this when you have an axe?!

5 ways to make sure that axe doesn't get anywhere near my neck.
1. be nice
2. don't whine much
3. next time you see us, get Mike a beer or 10
4. put yourself under my protection
5. run


W:O:A Metalhead
MetalCommando schrieb:
1. free beer
2. free vodca
3. free whiskey
4. free gin
5 free cognac

5 ways to scare my boss

1. I dress up as a demon, my voice alone can be made scary
2. (only if company is publicly traded) do a prank where the company's share price falls, and he panics
3. Hire chavs to fuck up his car
4. Fake summons for his testimony in a murder trial
5. Jump out from behind his desk when he enters the room

5 ways to pwn a n00b (different ones please)