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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
why not?
because you don't actually have a story? :p

Yes I do, and here it is, but it's not a story, it's the truth.

Many Centuries ago, in fact Thousands of years ago the huge flying dinosaurs you spoke of were in fact flying around in space. And they were beyond huge, they were mega-imense. Anyway they were carnivorous and fed on each other. Well the strongest and largest survive as you know. So as the stronger and larger Dinosaurs devoured the others, there ended being just one Alpha Dinosaur...

shall I go on?


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Yes I do, and here it is, but it's not a story, it's the truth.

Many Centuries ago, in fact Thousands of years ago the huge flying dinosaurs you spoke of were in fact flying around in space. And they were beyond huge, they were mega-imense. Anyway they were carnivorous and fed on each other. Well the strongest and largest survive as you know. So as the stronger and larger Dinosaurs devoured the others, there ended being just one Alpha Dinosaur...

shall I go on?

sure :rolleyes::p