gnoff schrieb:Is it possible for you to save any money?
Save for the trip and go next year.
it's 2 pm here.... and i'm going home!!!! but i need to work tonight from 8pm till 2 amMetalCommando schrieb:time 1 PM
MetalCommando schrieb:I am skint, and I need to lose some 10 pounds for it to fit again
Alrek schrieb:You only want to. One's value is not dictated by weight or clothes
Nemesiss schrieb:well i'm missed the train from around the corner.... i'll just walk to the central station....
MetalCommando schrieb:maybe you should
Alrek schrieb:You only want to. One's value is not dictated by weight or clothes
of course. Ger her a msn id will ya?gnoff schrieb:if you want to, of course I'll tell her