1 day and it's still in nijmegen.
there is a fortarock Pre-Party on friday, Pestilence will headline, and so this means i'll be there too since i do their sound these days
come and join the madness !
1 day and it's still in nijmegen.
just got my schedule, 4 days of lots and lots of bands on the WET stage
it seems they added even more Metal Battle bands
you guys know where to find me, seems i'll be present from 11am 'till 02 am at the WET stage mixing desk, with some breaks in between
there is a fortarock Pre-Party on friday, Pestilence will headline, and so this means i'll be there too since i do their sound these days
come and join the madness !
unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the pre-party, since I life on the other side of the country and don't have a place to crash down there.
Hotelletje in Nijmegen... Suggestie?
PS. Ik ben VERHUISD naar de andere kant van 't land. So what?
mwa, is me iets te duur van een pre-party.
Ik vind zo'n trip van Almere <=> Nijmegen al duur met NS voor één dag! Of hoe doe je dat dan met overnachting? Toch 'n tentje opzetten?
Wat dan meteen 'n 2e optie is natuurlijk.
Edit Piaf zegt: O ja, jullie kennen ook weekendretours
Edit2: Weekend-biljetten bij ons