Der Beste
Just shoot me on the spot
what did you do?
... or happened?
Just shoot me on the spot
what did you do?
just ti pishg that fuckugn thred... s thertr anyone as fuking frunjk as mr?
Learning Sothish?
I think that was drunkspeak... but than again... is there a difference?
Lord Soth has opened a thread in the German Talk, with the same thing (more or less). Since then, it's called Sothish.
If it's drunk speak, it's all the same for me, but I call it Sothish.
yeah I guess
Haha I don't mind really Good to hear everything's fine!Sorry, didn't think you'd mind
Well yea, there've been some rough bits, but right now everything's just fine
Haha I don't mind really Good to hear everything's fine!
So. Did my part of the house cleaning today.
Laundry, vaccuum cleaning of the stairs here. (Kut-karwei )
Now I have to consider dinner. Don't know what to make...
I pretty much didn't do anything.