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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I know, but till now, I never needed it

Me neither.

But the US were planning to get visa for those who didn't have a biometric passport. That'd have meant, if we (4) were to go to the US, my wife was the only one needing a visa. (the kids have 2 nationalities, and could therefore apply a Dutch passport)

That rule has been cancelled though.

And I have to restart my PC.


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
Me neither.

But the US were planning to get visa for those who didn't have a biometric passport. That'd have meant, if we (4) were to go to the US, my wife was the only one needing a visa. (the kids have 2 nationalities, and could therefore apply a Dutch passport)

That rule has been cancelled though.

And I have to restart my PC.

stupid laws