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W:O:A Metalhead
far sighted on the one eye and near on the other one?! but that´s really rarely, or?
dont ask me how it happened that way, it just did :confused::o
well you were lucky so far .. but you wont be that lucky all the time .. :o
i know i know, that is why i dont drive like i used to, now i only go 10 over the speed limit, and i dont try to race everybody and i avoid changing lanes until i really really need to lol....


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
dont ask me how it happened that way, it just did :confused::o

i know i know, that is why i dont drive like i used to, now i only go 10 over the speed limit, and i dont try to race everybody and i avoid changing lanes until i really really need to lol....
Better not drive at all then, but in the US that's kind of difficult, as your 'grounded' then.
I don´t like Onkel Tom

I do! :p