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W:O:A Metalhead
18 Dez. 2009
Detroit,MI USA
20 years ago today was my first Iron Maiden concert, 1992! Testament and COC opened up, I had lawn "seats" for $12.50! Testament did a meet and greet at a record store, and Iron Maiden announced a meet and greet FREE after the show at a record store about 20 minute drive from the venue.

I think they announced it during the end of the show, so I ran out and missed the encore songs to drive and beat the traffic...lol I got there around 12am and waiting til 2:45am when I FINALLY, met Iron fucking Maiden! I was really fucking speechless to say the least. After the concert I had to drive home fast , grab anything to get sign. it end up being a Powerslave guitar tab book. I have pics of Bruce holding MY book (need to scan them) and reading it while holding up the line! haha, I don't recall him even signing the book but everyone else did.

I remember Bruce saying "what the bloody hell? I'm supposed to be singing in this key? so this is how the guitar parts are played? ah ha!"

so that is this day in Metal history :D