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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
The thing here is if it's a club show then alcohol is the issue, most of the time they give wrist bands to the legal aged fans. You need one to buy beer etc.

Same here, though in a venue I went to in PA they gave bands to everybody and sold booze to everybody with a band.

Most of the venues here sell alcohol, and they're still all ages. They just get strict with keeping an eye on who is obtaining alcohol.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Same here, though in a venue I went to in PA they gave bands to everybody and sold booze to everybody with a band.

Most of the venues here sell alcohol, and they're still all ages. They just get strict with keeping an eye on who is obtaining alcohol.

Yeah here the risk for the club is a surprise visit by a member of the liquor commision.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
will you buy us all paninos and macciatos :D
For you, just SPAM, so you can speak spam.
Same here, though in a venue I went to in PA they gave bands to everybody and sold booze to everybody with a band.

Most of the venues here sell alcohol, and they're still all ages. They just get strict with keeping an eye on who is obtaining alcohol.

I know (via some US residents) that some venues are 18+, or even 21+ to enter. But that may depend on the state I guess.
Good morning btw.