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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I have a feeling there's a fish in the floor, I better squish it or he'll swim out the door


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
B-days are over!
Thank goodness!!! It's friggin' fatiguing!

But I'm shocked by my sis-in-law (brother's wife)

Without saying anything she wanted to leave before my mum-in-law came with the family. And that's not the 1st time!
Now, I haven't got the best relationship with my in-law mother, but that's a bit over the top. Even if there MIGHT BE a language barrier.
My mother has no saying in this (she depends on their driving) and my brother just says "ja, amen".


Still haven't got much time. Maybe later.
