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W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
Now I'm stuck saying random German phrases about fisch und KAMPF GEGEN DIE WELT und I don't even know if that's right. Denglisch und bieeeeer
Ist that a Hitler quoting?:D
What is weird is the guy's name is Christ o.0
I gave him a beer. So, he was very happy.
At least you know what is to do.:D
I drank an entire bottle of water and a whole can of Orange soda tonight! woo-hoo! Wild times. :D
That's me. Oh I forgot to mention the flavored popcorn that I ate. I'm out of control!
Hellyes- Rock 'n' Roll!:D
cool! what kind (brand). I am looking forward to drinking some Molsons when I travel in june. I also hope that I can locate some Strongbow cider while I'm there, that stuff RULES!
Try Scrumpy Jack's! The goddamn best cider on this planet.:cool:
np: KREATOR - Hordes Of Chaos
(I never get tired of this song, killer video as well)
The video reminds me on Manowar.:D
fair enough... Try Bitburger in Germany, and of course at WOA they sell Becks.
We sometimes say that Beck's is water...and that's more a fact than a joke.:D
Well yep, after high school, when people start to test their independence they can do some crazy things. Some let loose and go crazy, some too crazy and screw up their lives, I've sen that happen. When I was 18 the age that most people finish high school, it was legal to drink, and legal to do it at the park, beach etc. It was not a good thing, we were not ready at that age.
Tha drinking age for beer and stuff here is 16- for liquor it's 18. Wtf!:confused:
I think they should set it up to 18 for both. At least they made tobacco unavailable for under 18's two years ago.
Sixteen's not a good age for smoking.:rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Tha drinking age for beer and stuff here is 16- for liquor it's 18. Wtf!:confused:
I think they should set it up to 18 for both. At least they made tobacco unavailable for under 18's two years ago.
Sixteen's not a good age for smoking.:rolleyes:
Some shops already do that. It's no law though

No age is good for smoking... plus they don't start at 16 but way earlier nowadays :(