Der Beste
man, I need an xbox 360
Why would you need one?
man, I need an xbox 360
a well I guess I'l get some fresh air then...
3am EDST = 9am CEST (waar EDST en CEST = zomertijd)
You'd be too late then., since it's past 4am already.
So..... my guess, 3pm CEST => 9am EDST.
That's a bit more of a normal time, ain't it?
I think I did this right.
I look better when not sweaty and slightly hungover.
You need a new list for next year.
Do you like Nightwish ?
I ask because I have a concert shirt I never wear from them and would like to get rid of it.
omg.. football hooligans from 6 differend clubs are planning to to fight with eachother during a friendly game between holland and englang tonight in amsterdam.. how low can people go...