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W:O:A Metalhead
5 Aug. 2009
getting stuff together for trip to Bloodstock. and cleaning. Having some drinks , that's about it. How about yourself ?

meh, my dad was thinking about going to bloodstock but couldn't be arsed to pay for the tickets after wacken

just been re-recording my bands first couple of songs, mainly because we realised our singer is singing in a lower pitch than we're playing so most of our new stuff is in Drop A#/B

gee jay

W:O:A Metalmaster
11 März 2008
White Plains, New York
meh, my dad was thinking about going to bloodstock but couldn't be arsed to pay for the tickets after wacken

just been re-recording my bands first couple of songs, mainly because we realised our singer is singing in a lower pitch than we're playing so most of our new stuff is in Drop A#/B

didn't notice is rehearsal ? I don't know about tunings I was a self taught drummer. I know very little about down tuning except a lot of metal bands do it.


W:O:A Metalhead
5 Aug. 2009
didn't notice is rehearsal ? I don't know about tunings I was a self taught drummer. I know very little about down tuning except a lot of metal bands do it.

it's just when i heard him singing before i started recording the guitar for our second song, i was like "oh shit, get me a guitar tuner"

our usual tuning is Drop A# which i believe is 2 steps down, with the bottom E string down 3, it's Behemoth/Slipknot tuning if you want an example