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W:O:A Metalhead
20 Mai 2008
K'he xor somewhere near Wacken
where does all this spam come from??? :confused::D

posting only the news, then going to shower and maybe sleep a bit

my exam yesterday was kinda easy, but we had way too less time... let's hope it'll work out

and today i moved to my new room, nothing great, but it's ok.
13m², 100€ cheaper than the old one and only 5min to the University.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 März 2006
Italy, Rome
where does all this spam come from??? :confused::D

posting only the news, then going to shower and maybe sleep a bit

my exam yesterday was kinda easy, but we had way too less time... let's hope it'll work out

and today i moved to my new room, nothing great, but it's ok.
13m², 100€ cheaper than the old one and only 5min to the University.

100€ saved for beers so :D


W:O:A Metalhead
26 März 2006
Italy, Rome
but 2 days of NOTHING await me.. also i'll cut my hair (is it "cut" the right word? dont know).. just a little anyway