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  1. BraveNewTrooper

    Pentagram in Wacken

    PENTAGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wicked. who the fuck are they? If you want a big name in Black Metal how about Immortal? Or Dimmu Borgir? I don't think they could have got a worse band. Pull your finger out.
  2. BraveNewTrooper

    Heaven Shall Burn

    Would love to see them confirmed, we have got Bloodwork now though... also paling at wacken rocks probably slims down the chances. Get someone like Gojira, Meshuggah, All Shall Perish etc. to take a death metal/core band!
  3. BraveNewTrooper

    The Big 3!!!!!

    Why are one of the big 3 heavy/power metal bands here???? :confused::confused: At least one of Blind Gurdian Stratovarius and Edguy should be confirmed!!!! How is it that Wacken Rocks, some shitty on the side festival can get bands like this. If nothing else smaller bands like Revolution...
  4. BraveNewTrooper


    They were so good in Milton Keynes. They should play definately.
  5. BraveNewTrooper

    Blind Guardian

    Blind Guardian would be amazing at Wacken. I'm considering Bloodstock just to see them. This would top of the billing regardless.