The Big 3!!!!!

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18 Mai 2009
Why are one of the big 3 heavy/power metal bands here???? :confused::confused:

At least one of Blind Gurdian Stratovarius and Edguy should be confirmed!!!!

How is it that Wacken Rocks, some shitty on the side festival can get bands like this. If nothing else smaller bands like Revolution Rennassiance should be pulled in.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Okt. 2008
Hessen´s Capitol
Why are one of the big 3 heavy/power metal bands here???? :confused::confused:

At least one of Blind Gurdian Stratovarius and Edguy should be confirmed!!!!

How is it that Wacken Rocks, some shitty on the side festival can get bands like this. If nothing else smaller bands like Revolution Rennassiance should be pulled in.

Saxon, Motörhead, Running Wild, Rage, GammaRay, H&H U.F.O:o

Who much more, do you want:confused:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Okt. 2008
Hessen´s Capitol
Motorhead are old classic/heavy rock.
Running Wild are good but for a headliner.....
Gamma Ray are good well done wacken (So are Hammerfall and Saxon)

but really... Rage H&H and U:F:O are pretty terrible...

God damit, H&H is still the old lineup from Black Sabbath, more History in Hard Rock/Heavy Metal, no Festival can have, Rage and U:F:O is also not really my taste, but they are still great Bands, ok RW is one of my favorits, also they are the Best :o:D

Hope you now what i try to tell you, my english is not the very best:eek:


W:O:A Metalmaster
24 Nov. 2007
Saxon, Motörhead, Running Wild, Rage, GammaRay, H&H U.F.O:o

Who much more, do you want:confused:

Motorhead are old classic/heavy rock.
Running Wild are good but for a headliner.....
Gamma Ray are good well done wacken (So are Hammerfall and Saxon)

but really... Rage H&H and U:F:O are pretty terrible...

God damit, H&H is still the old lineup from Black Sabbath, more History in Hard Rock/Heavy Metal, no Festival can have, Rage and U:F:O is also not really my taste, but they are still great Bands, ok RW is one of my favorits, also they are the Best :o:D

Hope you now what i try to tell you, my english is not the very best:eek:

WTF is going on...

Heaven and Hell... Not especially mine, but come ooon.. LEGEND!

UFO, Running Wild, Rage... I dont listen to these Bands but come ooon, even I see that this is fucking awesome! YEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!
