Virus spreadin..

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
it was already in Belgium, before it was in DE ;)
That has been negative, it appeared.

Don't worry, I will still go to Sylt! ;)
not offically if I'm correct.
Trui! (ende evil)
yea, I just checked. I thought I had seen it on the map you posted but it was just really close the the Belgium border in France

I don't know, but Belgium had 2 or 3 cases which they believed was the Mexican flu, but after research it appeared to be something else. (no one knows what of course)

The 2 in Bavaria are also OK. One has been cured, the other is also getting better. (Regensburg)
(update: 13.00h/1pm CEST)


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
"Doctors" come on the news and state that this is 'no big deal', or 'no need for concern' yet the center for disease control and the international health organization today in Switzerland announces the raise of this as a level "5" phase just one level short of a worldwide state of emergency alert. How :confused:

I guess the concern is in the proof in the numbers of those contracted each day to come and of those who die from it.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Mai 2007
Wald von Dunwyn
"Doctors" come on the news and state that this is 'no big deal', or 'no need for concern' yet the center for disease control and the international health organization today in Switzerland announces the raise of this as a level "5" phase just one level short of a worldwide state of emergency alert. How :confused:

I guess the concern is in the proof in the numbers of those contracted each day to come and of those who die from it.

I think pandemic means only, that a disease spreads over the
world and that it doesn't mean that it leads direct to death....


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
My opinion.

Agreed that the media loves to make a big thing outta nothing(old TV news line,"If it bleeds,it leads").Remember how the Bird Flu was last big thing which amounted to NOTHING.Again,I think this is way blown out of poportion.

The late George Carlin once said,"We're all afraid of germs.We need germs to boost our immune system.You know what I did as kid.I swam in the Hudson River.I swam in raw sewage.You know,too cool off.For that I have a healthy immune system.I SWAM IN RAW SHIT!"


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
yeah, lets spread the fear...

I was kinda sick yesterday, maybe I have mexican flu as well:eek:


Yeah, I was in Mexico in 2005, perhaps I have it :eek:
And I'm thinking about goign back next year, perhaps thinking of it will make me get it? :p

It's horrible of course, and I feel for the people in the area, but the media also here is hunting this as much as they did the death of Lady Di or the bald Brittney.
It sells magazines, it gets TV ratings, it gets "experts" to sit and say stupid stuff.

Even mouth protection is selling out.

If we didn't have internet and media coverage was like it was in the 80th we'd might have heard about a few ppl dying in Mexico and then on to the weather...

If this turns out to me a world wide killing flu, sorry, I was wrong then.

And again to those that actually are in the area where ppl are dying, I don't feel less for you, I just don't like the medias way of handling such incidents.