WOA pub #1 all spammers have a beer

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W:O:A Metalhead
Sorry about the mix-up, I got you two mixed up, so I thought it was Commando who was wearing the costume. It's what I get for taking the anti-allergants with the drowsy side effect...

...now Odin will be afraid to let me into Valhalla :eek:

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Zombi schrieb:
lol at which post count do you become a 'metal god'?
Oh. You haven't read one of my posts for a very long time if you're asking that question NOW. :D

Yup, it's at 50k.

Quark schrieb:
If you want to make it to W:O:A-Metalgod, you have to spam 24/24, 7/7. And you're not able to do that!!! :D
That's not true. 8/24 5/7 is enough. :D