Where's Warthog, btw?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA

Wow, you haven't forgotten about me? I'm... touched! You know, in a brutally heavy metal sort of way, of course!

I have to apologize - the past few months have been very hard on me. Mostly that old nemesis... family turmoil. Money and time have been tight, and as much as I wanted to make another go at Wacken... some things have to come first.

Short answer: YES, I'll be there!

Now here's the funny part - last week, i didn't think I'd be able to go. Last Wednesday, I was drinking myself stupid at the thought of that dreary prospect. But some friends came through to repay an old favor, and now I'm literally booking the trip at the last minute. Got the plane tickets on Tuesday. Wacken ticket arrived yesterday. Now I've got to get a train pass in the next 48 hours to get me to Hamburg.

This is no way to book a European vacation, but I'll be damned if I let this year's lineup pass me by. And of course, I can't wait to meet up with each and every last one of you bastards once again!

NattyBrat: I'm really sorry...I went back and looked, and your email got swept into my spam folder. :mad: I swear it won't happen again, ma'am! :)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Warthog schrieb:

But some friends came through to repay an old favor, and now I'm literally booking the trip at the last minute. Got the plane tickets on Tuesday. Wacken ticket arrived yesterday. Now I've got to get a train pass in the next 48 hours to get me to Hamburg.

always good when friends repay an old favor.
specially when it makes it possible to go to wacken.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
hey Scotty, good to hear you are still alive! And even better to see you at Wacken :)
Hey, do you remember that magazine you wanted to send me? If its still lying around somewhere in your flat would be cool if you could bring it ;)