What's the meaning of life?

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W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Apeldoorn- Netherlands
There is no real meaning of life. We are just here and reproduce:)
And because only that is a bit boring. Some species invented alcohol and electric guitars and that's all (ok, the story is bigger, this is just a quick summary)


Well, I don't have that much to add, since I agree with most of you, I too am what Smeagol referred to as a materialist, and it suits me fine. No offense to Smeagol (since I think you argue in a very reasonable way) but materialism is more than faith, we have science to back it up, I don't think there's anybody that denies the existance of materials. The lack of other forms of perspective (mostly the spiitual ones) does not turn materialism in a faith, since faith is believing without proof, and materialism has the whole of science to back it up in every way.

Other than that, life exsist because it can, it serves no purpose, so my thought too is let's make the most of it.

It's somewhat of a shame though that most of us agree, I could use a good discussion :p ;) :D

NP: Savatage - The Dungeons Are Calling


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Is it just me, or do Christians tend to promote their own beliefs by downplaying anything scientific that might contradict them? "Oh no, evolution is only a theory! It's not proven! So let's pretend God crafted all existence in seven days instead!"

I guess I'm a scientist - I believe in what exists, what can be observed, and what can be proven. As a result, science requires no belief, because it makes no assumptions. This is the problem with religion and metaphysics - it was a primitive way for primitive peoples to explain aspects of the world around them that they didn't otherwise understand yet. And it has now outlasted its usefulness.

For example, religion says, "Wacken kicks ass, because I've heard it kicks ass, so I must believe it kicks ass." Science says, "Go to Wacken, and see for yourself how much it kicks ass." :D


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
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To a few people

So it seems that I am alone here with my thesis, quite strange. However as Pascal, a "scientist-philosopher,Icandoanything", said the man "enjoys himself" all the life and fills his time to avoid thinking abouth his miserable condition. It is thoroughly true until one opens his mind to spirituality as he claimed. But I don't only claim my beliefs which implies no religion but spirituality, I say for maybe the few who will be interested as the bouddha said in the past : "experiment yourself the spiritual path, don't trust the traditions of the past, don't trust the so-called masters.... I don't tell you that you must trust me, I tell you to experiment in order to discover the Truth". It is a scientific method.


N.B.: nothing remains fixed for eternity in science, it is a major point. We must be ready to reconsider the whole thing. We must never take one law for the supreme truth. Einstein and the other dudes with quantics have kicked some Newton laws for instance. Perhaps in the future, these laws will be kicked by others, and so on...


Re: To a few people

Originally posted by Smeagol
N.B.: nothing remains fixed for eternity in science, it is a major point. We must be ready to reconsider the whole thing. We must never take one law for the supreme truth. Einstein and the other dudes with quantics have kicked some Newton laws for instance. Perhaps in the future, these laws will be kicked by others, and so on...

That's true, but it's what's so great about science IMO. :)

I won't get into a religious debate here simply because there's no one that stated anything religious.

But out of curiosity (as opposed to argument), how do you go about exploring your own spirituality?

NP: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen

"But out of curiosity (as opposed to argument), how do you go about exploring your own spirituality?"

Hello Pil,

The advantages of the so-called oriental spiritualities are their technics which allow to reach a higher conscious, that's why it is so famous nowadays in occident. These technics are meditation, yoga, concentration, discipline of life, ethics and even esoterism. It is a *concrete way* which can change your whole life, mind, and even body (though i am not Yoda master yet, but I have a little experience :cool: ) . An average materialist could say that the experiences of the yogi (one practising yoga) are just hallucinations due to the strange control or influence on their body through the nervous system and brains but the facts are here, some great hatha-yogi control the whole of their parasympatic and orthosympatic nervous systems for instance and their brains function in meditation on a different way.

Re: To a few people

Originally posted by Smeagol
So it seems that I am alone here with my thesis, quite strange. However as Pascal, a "scientist-philosopher,Icandoanything", said the man "enjoys himself" all the life and fills his time to avoid thinking abouth his miserable condition. It is thoroughly true until one opens his mind to spirituality as he claimed. But I don't only claim my beliefs which implies no religion but spirituality, I say for maybe the few who will be interested as the bouddha said in the past : "experiment yourself the spiritual path, don't trust the traditions of the past, don't trust the so-called masters.... I don't tell you that you must trust me, I tell you to experiment in order to discover the Truth". It is a scientific method.


N.B.: nothing remains fixed for eternity in science, it is a major point. We must be ready to reconsider the whole thing. We must never take one law for the supreme truth. Einstein and the other dudes with quantics have kicked some Newton laws for instance. Perhaps in the future, these laws will be kicked by others, and so on...

Everyone of us has to find his/her own way to deal with it, so don´t feel upset if your way is different from some others...


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by Warthog
Is it just me, or do Christians tend to promote their own beliefs by downplaying anything scientific that might contradict them? "Oh no, evolution is only a theory! It's not proven! So let's pretend God crafted all existence in seven days instead!"

I guess I'm a scientist - I believe in what exists, what can be observed, and what can be proven. As a result, science requires no belief, because it makes no assumptions. This is the problem with religion and metaphysics - it was a primitive way for primitive peoples to explain aspects of the world around them that they didn't otherwise understand yet. And it has now outlasted its usefulness.

For example, religion says, "Wacken kicks ass, because I've heard it kicks ass, so I must believe it kicks ass." Science says, "Go to Wacken, and see for yourself how much it kicks ass." :D

Problem is that everybody says that his true is the only one possible,I hate when somebody thinks that only his opinion is the right and only that person have truth.I say think what you want,belive in what you want,I will accept it as far as you won't talk to my stuff.


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
I think Zombie has the more right answer

I am a chemistry student, therefor a scientist.

If religion don't exist, why shall then Satanism and similar things exist?

What happened on Earth was something fascinating, life started out of something going the way it don't use to.

Drinking and so on is not the purpose of life.

We do what we want wit hour life but the purpose, there is no.

How did man evolve? Man evolved through different things happening to them.

I mean, people in the north had skin just for the cold.

Hammered_Gods: With such a remark that meaning of life is drinking and so on, you must have chosen the easy way.

Every minute, every second we do decisions that affect us now or later.

I don't give these thoughts much time as I give other things more time


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen
Re: To a few people

"Everyone of us has to find his/her own way to deal with it, so don´t feel upset if your way is different from some others..."

You are right, but I am not upset I am regular to listen to such claims just surprised that there is only one guy who is not "materialist" over here. I guess it was less uncommon among people especially in "art". If I have continued the debate among metalheads famous for their strong independant and harsh nature, it was only for people who could be interested in, not to prove anything to anybody or by any egotic pseudo-superior upset.

However I do what I want, dude, I feel myself upset if I want, as there is no prupose in the life except surving and breeding let's enjoying the fuckin' life hihaaaa *joke* :D

Re: Re: To a few people

Originally posted by Smeagol
"Everyone of us has to find his/her own way to deal with it, so don´t feel upset if your way is different from some others..."

You are right, but I am not upset I am regular to listen to such claims just surprised that there is only one guy who is not "materialist" over here. I guess it was less uncommon among people especially in "art". If I have continued the debate among metalheads famous for their strong independant and harsh nature, it was only for people who could be interested in, not to prove anything to anybody or by any egotic pseudo-superior upset.

However I do what I want, dude, I feel myself upset if I want, as there is no prupose in the life except surving and breeding let's enjoying the fuckin' life hihaaaa *joke* :D


Sorry, but there is more than just spirituality and materialism.
Why do you call everybody who is not as spiritual as you are for materialistic? There are lots of other ways to deal with the own life.