To smeagol
I'm not half as dark and nihilistic as you think - I care about my friends, my surroundings, solidarity, people, the environment. I am not a self-centered nineties person. And of course you should say what is in your mind - some of the comments are simply not for me! You sound very superior ...
But to go into details:
S:. There are others things than constructed human scientific laws in the life in my opinion.
I don't know what you mean - dharma, astrology, tarot, reincarnation, ESP? Is it something like that? To me that sounds like easter bunnies, Odin, demon summoning or the tooth fairy - I think it is rubbish. But it's your opinion - fair enough.
S:Believing that we are just amounts of molecules and living like robots is nothing than wasting his life in ignorance and retarding the spiritual evolution of our conscious.
*Yawn* - and why is that?
S: Plus, if we are just amounts of molecules, i don't see the point to believe such things since we are just "molecules", who cares ?
It doesn't matter, we are here, let's do something with the time.
S:Science is constructed on postulates taking only matter as a subject of studies.
What else should be studied?
S: There are others dimensions than the matter.
Name three.
S: The sad fact is that people are brainwashed by materialism nowadays, blind beliefs in materialism are just another faith among others.
And this is where I went yuck - you sound extremely arrogant, as if you knew some great spiritiual truth.
Hope I didn't offend - greets to France