What's the meaning of life?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
I agree with all of you - humans may be special (interesting is the better word, Zombi is right) but for no bigger reason than evolution. Which is at least astonishing - the fact that we are possible.

So have fun, do something, don't be a compelte asshole - that is all there is to it.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
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My opinion...

It is that the universe is one, and is the manifestation of a divine force. The universe is evolving towards perfection. We are all one but ordinary humans are not still evolved to be aware of that, actually humans are under the law of karma at the moment. The physical matter is not only some energy but contains a universal conscious, there are other dimensions than the physical world that some humans can reach such the astral world and so on...

The aim of life is to reach the divine and transcendenting our egos to discover the universal mind. Truth is beyond the mental words.

Such is my vision.



W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Re: My opinion...

Originally posted by Smeagol
The universe is evolving towards perfection.

Sorry dude, but that is totally fucking wrong. Read more physics before you start on the universe. There is such a thing called the Second Law Of Thermodynamics. This states that entropy increases over time. Perfection is possibly what the universe MIGHT have been just before the big bang, but ever since then it just gets more and more chaotic. This can actually be proven, but it's highly mathematical, and I have no clue how it goes.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen
To Zombi

Yes, I know that since I am a "scientist" in my life. But this is perhaps that what we have no real idea what the perfection is. However that's my belief, I am tolerant to others views. There are others things than constructed human scientific laws in the life in my opinion. Believing that we are just amounts of molecules and living like robots is nothing than wasting his life in ignorance and retarding the spiritual evolution of our conscious. Plus, if we are just amounts of molecules, i don't see the point to believe such things since we are just "molecules", who cares ? Science is constructed on postulates taking only matter as a subject of studies. There are others dimensions than the matter. The sad fact is that people are brainwashed by materialism nowadays, blind beliefs in materialism are just another faith among others.



W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Re: To Zombi

Originally posted by Smeagol
Yes, I know that since I am a "scientist" in my life. But this is perhaps that what we have no real idea what the perfection is. However that's my belief, I am tolerant to others views. There are others things than constructed human scientific laws in the life in my opinion. Believing that we are just amounts of molecules and living like robots is nothing than wasting his life in ignorance and retarding the spiritual evolution of our conscious. Plus, if we are just amounts of molecules, i don't see the point to believe such things since we are just "molecules", who cares ? Science is constructed on postulates taking only matter as a subject of studies. There are others dimensions than the matter. The sad fact is that people are brainwashed by materialism nowadays, blind beliefs in materialism are just another faith among others.


Sorry, but yuck!
We are all born to die and then everything is over. So there is just the little time between the two happenings. This makes a very easy answer of what the meaning of life is.
The meaning of life is to fill this period with as much "fun" as possible. This means, that you need to do what you want and take every chance that is offered to you and do the best with all. nejoy your life and allways look at the good things...

What you want and what you need to make the best out of your own life can never be told by others, you have to know it by your own.

That is my opinion since a long time and I allways had a good deal through it.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen
TO monochrom

"Sorry, but yuck ?"

"yuck" ? if you want, I was just responding to this thread rather weird on this forum but interesting. Love, beauty, beatitude, happiness and unity through diversity in nature are some answers, this is my fun, it doesn't sound very dark and "nihilist" though, sorry to "break the crazy metal fun" here I am not a regular user of this forum. In this end, everyone is free to think what he wants of course and let's respect each other.




W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
To smeagol

I'm not half as dark and nihilistic as you think - I care about my friends, my surroundings, solidarity, people, the environment. I am not a self-centered nineties person. And of course you should say what is in your mind - some of the comments are simply not for me! You sound very superior ...

But to go into details:

S:. There are others things than constructed human scientific laws in the life in my opinion.

I don't know what you mean - dharma, astrology, tarot, reincarnation, ESP? Is it something like that? To me that sounds like easter bunnies, Odin, demon summoning or the tooth fairy - I think it is rubbish. But it's your opinion - fair enough.

S:Believing that we are just amounts of molecules and living like robots is nothing than wasting his life in ignorance and retarding the spiritual evolution of our conscious.

*Yawn* - and why is that?

S: Plus, if we are just amounts of molecules, i don't see the point to believe such things since we are just "molecules", who cares ?

It doesn't matter, we are here, let's do something with the time.

S:Science is constructed on postulates taking only matter as a subject of studies.

What else should be studied?

S: There are others dimensions than the matter.

Name three.

S: The sad fact is that people are brainwashed by materialism nowadays, blind beliefs in materialism are just another faith among others.

And this is where I went yuck - you sound extremely arrogant, as if you knew some great spiritiual truth.

Hope I didn't offend - greets to France



W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
materialism is not something to believe in. Our reality just happens to be material, and not something else. If it wasn't there would be no universe.

And I have no fucking idea why you're taking about robots, when we are animals. The internal processes of our bodies are mechanical, but there is a slight difference.

and what do you mean by constructed human laws? these are not something that are randomly thought up and only relate to humans. every species capable of examining the universe would come up with the same laws, because the laws are what govern the universe.
every species would find that F=ma, or PE=mgh, because that is the way the universe works.

And you obviously have no idea what a dimension actually is. Maybe you're getting it confused with the world reality.

We have 4 dimensions we can comprehend. Superstring theory states that there another 7 that we can't. But dimensions are simply a measure of spatial extent, not something in which things exist.

science is the study of matter and energy. there is nothing else to study.

we can't study what is not real, then it's just some idiot pretending he's philosophical. not even philosophers bother talking about that stuff, because there is no way you can come to a conclusion when there is nothing to study and the whole thing is just a matter of personal beliefs and opinions.

I personally think the materialistic mechanical processes of this universe beautiful, because it can create such amazing things like heavy metal and Christina Scabbia. These thing are beautiful, and the fact that in the most basic form both of them are just a bunch of partical, waves, or processes that can be mathematically explained makes them even more beautiful.

This argument was a bit unorganised. Excuse me, I am very tired at the moment.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Zombi
materialism is not something to believe in. Our reality just happens to be material, and not something else. If it wasn't there would be no universe.

And I have no fucking idea why you're taking about robots, when we are animals. The internal processes of our bodies are mechanical, but there is a slight difference.

and what do you mean by constructed human laws? these are not something that are randomly thought up and only relate to humans. every species capable of examining the universe would come up with the same laws, because the laws are what govern the universe.
every species would find that F=ma, or PE=mgh, because that is the way the universe works.

And you obviously have no idea what a dimension actually is. Maybe you're getting it confused with the world reality.

We have 4 dimensions we can comprehend. Superstring theory states that there another 7 that we can't. But dimensions are simply a measure of spatial extent, not something in which things exist.

science is the study of matter and energy. there is nothing else to study.

we can't study what is not real, then it's just some idiot pretending he's philosophical. not even philosophers bother talking about that stuff, because there is no way you can come to a conclusion when there is nothing to study and the whole thing is just a matter of personal beliefs and opinions.

I personally think the materialistic mechanical processes of this universe beautiful, because it can create such amazing things like heavy metal and Christina Scabbia. These thing are beautiful, and the fact that in the most basic form both of them are just a bunch of partical, waves, or processes that can be mathematically explained makes them even more beautiful.

This argument was a bit unorganised. Excuse me, I am very tired at the moment.

May be unorganised, still beautiful to read.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen

To Monochrom and Zombi :

Sorry if I am sounding too arrogant, my goal is only love and the happiness to share some of the views close to karma, hinduism, buddhism and so on..., I am believing in a spiritual sense in the life and I enjoy it. I think every human can even have some spiritual experiences in himself to discover the sense of life. I think we have made clear our points of views, so I will no enter in details about the words and their senses, because yes it is matter of opinions.

Kind regards,



W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Well life is just middle thing between birth and death and it is your thing what you will do with that. I think the important thing in life is that you don't live for nothing.To say all that I did to this day I enjoyed and I am comfortable with that.

And the importantest thing is just being yourself,cause it is best way you can live your life.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Originally posted by monochrom
May be unorganised, still beautiful to read.


That's fine if that works for you. I have no spirituality at all. Don't let this make you think I have no imagination though, or no feel for fiction or something like that. I am perfectly happy without spirituality.