W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by Shukri
I can see what you're arguing for, and that is a valid way of looking at it. But then, when does something stop being "stupid redneck stuff" and start being a serious problem? You could probably argue that most nazism today isn't a serious problem, because most of it is just isolated groups of socially-disfunctional people who feel marginalized from society. They may beat up a few people here and there, and occasionally kill somebody, but they're never ever going to end up controlling Europe again.
But then you can look at many of the more acceptable European far-right parties, and see that most of them aren't much better. They're usually very disorganized with lots of infighting, have a single powerful personality as leader, are entirely reactionary (as opposed to have a forward-looking agenda), and most importantly, win a lot of their support by spreading fear, hate and disinformation.
I've always thought the best way to deal with such forms of ignorance is to nix it as soon as possible. Besides. WOA is supposed to be a party for everybody - why let a band that is at best racist, at worst nazi, perform?
Very hard to draw the line, I agree. But as the label "nazi" is such a stigmata, I use it only when the case is clear. From what I heard of Hellhammer (And I'm the first one to admit not to be able to look through this strange norwegian scene and its imagery), I would clearly count him amongst the conservative ones who occasionally sport stupid hardliner views. Maybe to appear radical, maybe because of beliefs, most probably both of it. I'd say he is a borderline asshole case (Not as bad as Kerry King though) and not a borderline nazi case.
And I'm not trying to make them look harmless. I don't think nazis are ever harmless, their ideas just sit around in idiot circles and wait for difficult times, when they suddenly reappear. With people like Berlusconi making politics for these kind of assholes I think it is a dangerous situation indeed, which will get very intense if unemployment continues to rise throughout Europe.
Still, no way you can call Mayhem a racist or nazi band. Or the Onkelz, for that matter. And if you feel unsafe (Which would be a pity indeed), get in touch with the forum people before. It's a large group without racists.
Off-Topic: Everything is calling you a "he", but that is not true if I remember correctly, isn't it? Doesn't matter, just got irritated a little.