what could be improved at the wacken festival

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Originally posted by bierfanaat
Personaly i think not very much, only two things, Better shower and water points. I went to the festival this year for the first time and the first thing i noticed when i came there(just had a 9 hour drive from Holland towards the festival) is that when i wanted to take a shower is that i had to walk a very long distance to get to the showers, and when i got there it where very sucky showers wich where hardly or not working at all sometimes. And 2 showercamps for thousands of visitors a day isn't very handy. Maybe something for next year.

and 2 the waterpoints, if people wanted to get some water, they could only go to 2 points again (so far i know) where there was water, and this was arranged a bit sucky. now Don't get me wrong about this, I thought the festival kicked some major ass, but these are just 2 points wich could be improved. The rest of the festival was just incredible, had the time of my life!
I think there was 4 shower points and 5 water points. But the camping area are so huge that they could have some more. I tried the shower point 2, and there was no waiting at the time I was there. But the toilets are not good enough. More of the trailer toilets...


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
Some more lights in the camp ground would have been nice. I fell in a dark ravine or something and tripped on a bunch of tent parts in the darkness (my flashlight didn't make it) but I was drunk too. It was pretty darn dark.
Originally posted by LXE
Some more lights in the camp ground would have been nice. I fell in a dark ravine or something and tripped on a bunch of tent parts in the darkness (my flashlight didn't make it) but I was drunk too. It was pretty darn dark.
Oh, I thought it was too much light, honestly... But I'm a night person, so I guess not so many agrees with me on that...:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Dez. 2001
Helltown Ahaus
Originally posted by LXE
Some more lights in the camp ground would have been nice. I fell in a dark ravine or something and tripped on a bunch of tent parts in the darkness (my flashlight didn't make it) but I was drunk too. It was pretty darn dark.

on Campground B was a big big lighter...on day and night...and the lighter shined straightly on our tent.....tht wasn´t really nice sometimes... ;)