Warthog schrieb:oops! There's gnoff! I've got some Amon Amarth for ya sir!
Warthog schrieb:hahaha, I was gonna say, I can't imagine the great gnoff being drunk on a non-Wacken Thursday morning... but you're right, one of these days I'll have to drop by Sweden... though the idea of a sober gnoff is almost frightening
more from Sverige... Naglfar next!
Warthog schrieb:Thanks again for listening in gnoff!!!! have fun working! You too Luci!
I have to do homework No sleep for Scotty.
Lucretia schrieb:yuck! But its already 4am at your place, isn't it?
Warthog schrieb:Yeah that's what they do to the new DJs at this radio station... they give us all late night time slots But I've survived my first semester, so I'll get a much better time slot next semester hopefully!
Warthog schrieb:Thanks again for listening in gnoff!!!!