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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by mntlsuiside

whose playing rock machina?

The site www.rockmachina.com is in Spanish only at the moment. These are the bands currently listed.


There were others including Moonspell and The Gathering the other day but they don't seem to be there anymore. Maybe they were bands in the middle of negotiations.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
normally it should be hot & sunny at Wacken time, but if you´re unlucky it can happen that it rains. But nevertheless then its a great party, too - especially for the Black Metals who hate the sun and the scandinavians who like it to play in the mud and dig holes that you fall in :D :D :D


29 Jan. 2002
Website besuchen
hey pet-

i'm one of those kinda of black metallers who hates the sun. my boyfriend loves black metal, but also loves the sun. he says he's going to tie me to the tent and make me stay in the sun for hours....

so the short american girl in black tied to her tent will be me, feel free to come say hi-no introductions needed...... :}

scandanavians like the mud? what's that about?

also, are there three days of music or just 2? how late do the bands play until at night? is beer expensive and any good?


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by xpet
normally it should be hot & sunny at Wacken time, but if you´re unlucky it can happen that it rains. But nevertheless then its a great party, too - especially for the Black Metals who hate the sun and the scandinavians who like it to play in the mud and dig holes that you fall in :D :D :D

I was watching the 1999 Wacken DVD (more research LOL) and it was raining then. The groupies :rolleyes: and fans looked very wet but the bands looked dry! hahhah

If you've see this DVD/video, you'll understand ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
hm... I can´t remember that I got wet in Wacken 1999... *thinking* ah, yes! I guess we were sitting in the mobile home of a friend and missed some bands :D

ooops, I didn´t know that you´re just that kind of girl :D So I´ll watch out for a Black metal girl tied to her tent and support you with you some beer and sun-blocker - if you are nice to me, haha!
I guess the thing with the scandinavians I´ve seen first at Roskilde Festival in Denmark when it was steadily raining for three days. They dig holes in the mud at the festival "streets", cover them with something and wait until somebody falls in. Seems to be great fun :D And as you might know, the beer is that cheap in Germany that all the Scandinavians are dead drunk all the time. They really get wacked out. About the beer prices...hmm... very cheap at the supermarket, where you should buy your stuff and bring it with you. Of course it´s more expensive at the festival area (what we germans consider to be expensive ;))
This year there will be three days of music - about 5 bands playing at the main stage at Thursday as a worm-up and lots of bands on 4 (?) stages at Friday and Saturday until 3 or 4 in the night.
Any questions left? :D

BTW, do your read your PMs now and then?? ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Damned xpet. Stop giving away the scandinavian fun. ;(
It's not so fun if everyone is looking out for the holes. *sighs* And it's just for fun and to get some morning exersise. One man, one hole each day.. :))
Yepps scandinavians LOVES mud. I don't know why, but if you see a pile of mud coming against you and it's wearing a really big smile. Then it has to be a scandinavian. :) think it's just a part of the playful nature of scandinavians. of course it's someont that's trying to avoid the mud, but as you might guess. they miss a lot of fun.

Xpet : Did you ever fall into one of my holes at Roskilde??
*can't remember catching germans at Roskilde, only at midtfyns*


29 Jan. 2002
Website besuchen

are you married, dude? if you're not, how do you feel about american chicks?! lol
everytime i see a new post by you, you have something oh so witty written. my kinda guy.....

just for the record-i like mud, too. but i promise i won't give out the secret of the infamous scandinavian mud traps.......

why aren't you going to party-san festival in bad berka, kroppus?

pet- thanx for the infos, i'm sure i would have looked like one stupid american falling into a mud hole, but all is fair in the joining of mettalers i suppose.....*sigh*

i hope there is a supermarket near wacken to buy lots of good drinks...... i'm sooo looking forward to drinking met (or is it mead?)please correct me someone.....

Lee Spellcast

W:O:A Metalhead
15 Jan. 2002
Website besuchen
Wacken and Party-San

Hi Mntlsuicide!

My girlfriend and I will be going to Wacken and Party-San from Scotland!

We hope you enjoy your time at Wacken and in Euope!

If you are looking to buy food/drink, there is a small spar supermarket 5 minutes walk from the camping site which would be cheaper than the wacken supermarket. Lots of good foodand drink for sale at Wacken too, which isnt too expensive!

When you look for cds, shop around, you can save a lot of money if look rather than rushing to buy something you really want especially if looking for black metal albums!

Perhaps you will meet us, not too hard to miss as our two year old metal son will be with us!

Saying that I will be lucky to have any money after paying for hotel in Itzehoe (lol), but there is an impressive array of stalls in the metal market, outside the festival area and in the festival area. One stall was selling 10cd for around $42!!

The weather has always been sunny at Wacken, apart from the thursday on 1999 and 2000 and on Saturday night in 1999 it poured from the heavens at night!!!

Hopefully this year will be hot and sunny (lol)



29 Jan. 2002
Website besuchen
hey lee-

thanx for the input, i'll be looking at all the lil metallers around wacken, i think that's so cute. if i had kids i would bring them also. start them early on the good stuff so they don't get into that shitty rap music, or that rap/rock that's going around now....ewww...

i'm pretty sure we're taking the bus from amsterdam to wacken, so i hope the bus will stop some where i can get a cooler and beer and stuff. i plan on looking around to buy stuff, i mean i have three days so....

do you know anything about party-san? i'm having trouble with transportation to and from the festival. it seems to be not as popular as wacken, although i don't know why with KREATOR headlining, i mean everyone should go! :}

if you have any info to offer i would appreciate it.



W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
yet another question

I've just been told that if we drive to Wacken we won't be able to get the car out until the end of the festival because of all the tents around it.

Is that true or are all the roads being planned in the camping area also going to be "car ways"?

Lord Horb

W:O:A Metalhead
25 Nov. 2001
Letmathe-Sauerland (NRW)
if I got it right, then the street names are made for better orientation! I think the tents are gonna be as close to each other as always!! (so no car-streets but metalhead-streets :D) so, yeah, forget about the idea that you can leave the camp ground before sunday...

@mntlsuiside: the Wacken is about 20 times (at least) bigger than the Party.San... so don't be surprised how tiny it seems ;) but it's cool, cause that's the underground!!!


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
mntlsuiside : Not married anymore... And when it comes to american chicks? As long as they do enjoy a good festival and camping trip i don't mind them at all. Well, if they're this bad as my ex i won't speak to them. I'll just put them in a hole in the ground and have the world thank me after. The only thing i don't like about any people is when they start to compare everything with their country and complain about stuff.
Me witty? Hmm strange.. Maybe i am. At the moment i'm working on a thesis how hands and butts have evolved together. You know to make them fit perfectly together. :)
:)) If it rains there will probably be an attempt to make a mudslide someplace close. Can't go to far away to have fun. And \or watch others have fun. I trust you on that then. I might even give you a warning. :) *said maybe*
I'm off to enough festivals this summer, specially since i'm moving to Denmark and have to start looking for a job too. :((
And with Rskilde and Midtfyns following each other i might need some days off. :))

Old age just means that you need a break after 2 weeks of drinking.

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
@ mntl: We can't give you information so far on train ticket-prices because we decided to use Euro-Domino which offers special prices in Europe. I don't know how it is calculated, but I think it depends how many days you go by train in every country. We would pay for Linz-Amsterdam, Amsterdam-Hamburg and Hambug-Linz € 209, Linz-Hambug, Hamburg-Linz € 160. And we don't know how much the train Hamburg-Itzehoe costs. So I would guess Amsterdam - Itzhoe approx. € 60 but I'm not sure at all.

And my b/f told me that it would be possible meeting in Amsterdam if we go there and get together to Wacken.