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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Juni 2005
Manchester, UK
LooseCannon schrieb:
I watched a documentary last night called "Metal:A Headbangers Journey". It had the guy at WOA '04.He talked about it for a good 15 mins.It was a great documentary.

the guy who made "Metal: A headbangers journey" was camped next to us at this years wacken.

They were filming footage for a follow up to it about how metal has spread thoughoutt he world and how different nationalities come together because of it and such.
Metal_Ste schrieb:
the guy who made "Metal: A headbangers journey" was camped next to us at this years wacken.

They were filming footage for a follow up to it about how metal has spread thoughoutt he world and how different nationalities come together because of it and such.

That will be interesting to watch. Metal, to me, is one of the most incredible social equalizers. For the most part, no one judges you on how you look as a person, your race or ethnic background, your nationality, how you act (no one goes around telling people that they are 'acting white' within the metal community), how you dress, or even on your political or religious views. The only thing we really judge each other about is if we think another person is a 'poseur' or not - if someone does or doesn't truly love the music or if they are trying to be trendy.