Travelling from USA/Amsterdam?

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19 Apr. 2017
Colorado, US
I'll be heading to Wacken from Denver, Colorado, and I'm planning to spend a day or two in Amsterdam before heading to Hamburg for a group of metalheads from all over the world. Anybody else planning on coming from the Netherlands? There is an excellent metal bar called Excalibur in the Red Light District, and they have a Wacken Pre-party the weekend before the festival.

I ran into a grand total of 1 other American in 2017, and while I certainly love spending time around an international crowd, it would be nice to have someone to discuss things like politics and football with once in a while.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I'll be heading to Wacken from Denver, Colorado, and I'm planning to spend a day or two in Amsterdam before heading to Hamburg for a group of metalheads from all over the world. Anybody else planning on coming from the Netherlands? There is an excellent metal bar called Excalibur in the Red Light District, and they have a Wacken Pre-party the weekend before the festival.

I ran into a grand total of 1 other American in 2017, and while I certainly love spending time around an international crowd, it would be nice to have someone to discuss things like politics and football with once in a while.

why would someone from colorado go to amsterdam? I mean, you guys have more liberal weeds laws than we have nowadays :D :p


19 Apr. 2017
Colorado, US
haha, that is very true, but it's still a fun city to spend a night in, and I'll save about $100 flying into Amsterdam and taking a train to Hamburg than if I just flew straight into Germany.


W:O:A Metalhead
why would someone from colorado go to amsterdam? I mean, you guys have more liberal weeds laws than we have nowadays :D :p
Haha. Since October 17th 2018, it's fun time here! :) But everything is sold out, hahahah

I'll be heading to Wacken from Denver, Colorado, and I'm planning to spend a day or two in Amsterdam before heading to Hamburg for a group of metalheads from all over the world. Anybody else planning on coming from the Netherlands? There is an excellent metal bar called Excalibur in the Red Light District, and they have a Wacken Pre-party the weekend before the festival.

I ran into a grand total of 1 other American in 2017, and while I certainly love spending time around an international crowd, it would be nice to have someone to discuss things like politics and football with once in a while.

I'm Canadian travelling with a friend and I will be in Hamburg on Monday 29 for shopping (beer, tent, food, water). If you want to meet, it will be a pleasure. About discussing politics.. hmm, i'm not sure but it worth a try :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'll be heading to Wacken from Denver, Colorado, and I'm planning to spend a day or two in Amsterdam before heading to Hamburg for a group of metalheads from all over the world. Anybody else planning on coming from the Netherlands? There is an excellent metal bar called Excalibur in the Red Light District, and they have a Wacken Pre-party the weekend before the festival.

I ran into a grand total of 1 other American in 2017, and while I certainly love spending time around an international crowd, it would be nice to have someone to discuss things like politics and football with once in a while.
I've been out of the country for 15 years!
And the last time I was in Amsterdam, i didn't have fun. But that had personal reasons.
30 Sep. 2016
North Bay Area, California
I'll be coming from the SF Bay Area into Amsterdam the
weekend before since it's cheaper as well to take the
train into Hamburg from there. I'll be meeting up with
some friends I camped with last year. We didn't really
spend that much time at Excalibur as we did Cave Rock
while we were in Amsterdam. Other than that, we are
GO for Wacken pre-game!

- Sepulchral Voice


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I never understand why you should go to Amsterdam, before Wacken, apart from the price to Schiphol. But isn't it more fun to go to Hamburg? I reckon there is more in Hamburg than in Amsterdam!

But anyone his own choice of course. As long as you keep yourselves safe. That's the most important thing.
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Reaktionen: Reiður Loki

Young BZ

12 Aug. 2019
Chaska, USA
I also flew through Amsterdam as well but didn't go around there until after Wacken. How has it worked out for you? I may fly through there again next year due to the price but I'd want to explore another part of Europe.