Tourdaten Thread

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W:O:A Metalhead
5 Jan. 2019
Hello. Wenn jemand noch ein Ticket für Iron Maiden Bremen benötigt , ich habe noch eins über. Meldet euch einfach.


W:O:A Metalhead
5 Aug. 2018
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have rescheduled our 2022 “Into the Mirror Black” 30th Anniversary European tour to 2023. Halcyon Way is still supporting. We can’t wait to see you in 2023!

Tickets purchased will remain valid except for the following cities:
Germany: Trier is a new show that has been added to the tour. Tickets on sale on Thursday July 14, 2022 at 06:00 p. m. CET
Denmark: Fredericia is a new show replacing Aalborg. Tickets purchased for Aalborg will not remain valid
Sweden: Gothenburg has been moved to a different venue. Tickets purchased will not remain valid
Switzerland: Aarburg is a new show replacing Luzern. Tickets purchased for Luzern will not remain valid

Haben sie auf Facebook gepostet.



W:O:A Metalmaster
7 Aug. 2013
Am falschen Isar-Ufer
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have rescheduled our 2022 “Into the Mirror Black” 30th Anniversary European tour to 2023. Halcyon Way is still supporting. We can’t wait to see you in 2023!

Tickets purchased will remain valid except for the following cities:
Germany: Trier is a new show that has been added to the tour. Tickets on sale on Thursday July 14, 2022 at 06:00 p. m. CET
Denmark: Fredericia is a new show replacing Aalborg. Tickets purchased for Aalborg will not remain valid
Sweden: Gothenburg has been moved to a different venue. Tickets purchased will not remain valid
Switzerland: Aarburg is a new show replacing Luzern. Tickets purchased for Luzern will not remain valid

Haben sie auf Facebook gepostet.

Ach, wie schade! Da hatte ich mich sehr darauf gefreut.


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Aug. 2008
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have rescheduled our 2022 “Into the Mirror Black” 30th Anniversary European tour to 2023. Halcyon Way is still supporting. We can’t wait to see you in 2023!

Tickets purchased will remain valid except for the following cities:
Germany: Trier is a new show that has been added to the tour. Tickets on sale on Thursday July 14, 2022 at 06:00 p. m. CET
Denmark: Fredericia is a new show replacing Aalborg. Tickets purchased for Aalborg will not remain valid
Sweden: Gothenburg has been moved to a different venue. Tickets purchased will not remain valid
Switzerland: Aarburg is a new show replacing Luzern. Tickets purchased for Luzern will not remain valid

Haben sie auf Facebook gepostet.


Seltsam, dass die Verschiebung erst jetzt offiziell gemacht wird. Der 7er Club in Mannheim hat schon im Mai ein Konzert von Bonfire auf den Termin vom Sanctuary-Konzert gelegt. Da war mir eigentlich schon klar, dass es ausfällt, da in dem Laden keine zwei Konzerte parallel möglich sind.