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W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Supercharger

hmm question 1: Why are there so few people in France who speak decent English?

First, french speak a latin language. English is mainly germanic, so we tend to speak worse than for instance germans or dutchs. Plus perhaps we are less open to american language and culture than the others. But why this question, please ? Is there any problem with my english, it would be a lack of courtesy. I don't really see the point here.

question 2: what kind of dudes do most french girl prefer?

Too large question and my english is so... limited. But you are welcome in the summer to spend holydays in France as many of your compatriots.



W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
Website besuchen question is about the French in general so please don't take it personal. You're English is excelent. The point of my question is this: I've been to France several times over the years and when I asked French people who spoke English there were only a few and still it wasn't enough to hold a decent conversation.

The Germans and overhere in The Netherland English is spoken in a hidious fashion. So don't feel ashamed about any French accent :D


W:O:A Metalhead
22 März 2002
Personally i like the french accent when they speak english (and the german too :D ).
"French is a latin language" - i don't see that as a problem, because Portuguese is a latin language as well. As you might know, there are lots of words in the french vocabulary that evolved from the celtic dialects in Normandy and Britanny (same case with portuguese and the celtic dialects of the Gaelics and Lusitanians) -> this helps when dealing with germanic or anglo-saxonic dialects/languages.
I think the main problem is the french pronounciation, which is very different from the english or german. Counterwise, portuguese do speak with a strange accent that resembles rusian more than anything else. Besides, everything is translated to fench in France, whereas in Portugal small kids get used to english through the cartoons :) and normally have 7-to-9 years of english in school


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2001
Website besuchen

For "french is a latin tongue", it is not the problem but a point among others. Generally it is easier for a german-speaking guy to learn english, it is easier for a pole to learn russian and so on...But I didn't see where Supercharger wanted to "go", whether he wanted truly any linguistic debate, so I have claimed that quickly.

You're right about prononciation, there is a kind of "problem" concerning the oral expression about the frequencies between english and french. I believe that I have ever discussed of that here a long time ago. Nevertheless, we, i.e. the french speaking people, have no problems to understand germans if we are able to know german. German was my first tongue at school, but I have lost a bit, and I can assure you that if you know the words in the sentences you understand the whole meaning. There are more common frequencies between french and german. A french, listening to some english or even worse some kind of "chewing-gum american", even if he knows the words, would have far more difficulties. At least that's my case, but I have learnt english mainly on the web too.

Re: Linguistics

Originally posted by Smeagol
For "french is a latin tongue", it is not the problem but a point among others. Generally it is easier for a german-speaking guy to learn english, it is easier for a pole to learn russian and so on...But I didn't see where Supercharger wanted to "go", whether he wanted truly any linguistic debate, so I have claimed that quickly.

You're right about prononciation, there is a kind of "problem" concerning the oral expression about the frequencies between english and french. I believe that I have ever discussed of that here a long time ago. Nevertheless, we, i.e. the french speaking people, have no problems to understand germans if we are able to know german. German was my first tongue at school, but I have lost a bit, and I can assure you that if you know the words in the sentences you understand the whole meaning. There are more common frequencies between french and german. A french, listening to some english or even worse some kind of "chewing-gum american", even if he knows the words, would have far more difficulties. At least that's my case, but I have learnt english mainly on the web too.


I guess what Supercharger wanted to say is that there are a lot frenchmen compared to most other countrys who don´t want to learn/speak english, because it´s there old enemy, because the frenchmen are very proud of their language and because they don´t want to help english getting the only world language...


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
It is great as I was talking about that on one festival with some dudes,that you learn at first the obscene words (first 6 words that you are going to learn are obscene ;) I learned some people over here czech Kurva,pica,and they love it and use it cause there are just few people that knows what does it mean :D