Thin Lizzy at the W:O:A 2009

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Sep. 2006
Thin Lizzy, okay, not bad!

But what the hell is happening, it's the 20th anniversary and the worst line-up in years!:(

I won't let it ruin my party, but it's still a pity.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
Thin Lizzy, okay, not bad!

But what the hell is happening, it's the 20th anniversary and the worst line-up in years!:(

I won't let it ruin my party, but it's still a pity.
I totally agree, but unfortunatly complaining about the line-up is forbidden here.

you have to be a good soldier, and thank the allmighty organisation for all the goods they provide !
the bosshoss ? hmm yes, please gimme more !

:D :rolleyes:

Lord Soth

Wonder when they announce Bachmann Turner Overdrive in the lineup :D

Missing Immortal, Immortal & Immortal

Seems like ANTHRAX will get announced, heard something like that from above...:):cool:

So there you'll have at least something not to complain about!;)