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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
so looks like vaccinations will start at the end of the week over here.
But it'll take ages before it's our turn! First the elderly and the caretakers, and if I read correctly, hospital staff and GPs want to be vaccinated as well!
But what's taking De Jongh sooo long to start? Or does he want to be the first, without anyone knowing? (I'm sure politicians are capable of anything, as long as they gain personally from it)

Here it's already started!


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
But it'll take ages before it's our turn! First the elderly and the caretakers, and if I read correctly, hospital staff and GPs want to be vaccinated as well!
But what's taking De Jongh sooo long to start? Or does he want to be the first, without anyone knowing? (I'm sure politicians are capable of anything, as long as they gain personally from it)

Here it's already started!

wel at least they are starting now.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Woop, a 3 day lockdown in Brisbane and immediately surrounding cities has just started. It was literally announced at about 8am today. Dumbshits have already cleared out the supermarket shelves (even though they'll remain open) and got in their cars for a weekend away. Luckily 1) my only plan this weekend was rehearsal tonight, which we had to can as 3/5 live in the exclusion zone and 2) I came into 2021 mentally prepared for bad news.

So anyway, since I can't go anywhere or see anyone, I'm totally up for playing drinking games over video chat at some point this weekend.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Woop, a 3 day lockdown in Brisbane and immediately surrounding cities has just started. It was literally announced at about 8am today. Dumbshits have already cleared out the supermarket shelves (even though they'll remain open) and got in their cars for a weekend away. Luckily 1) my only plan this weekend was rehearsal tonight, which we had to can as 3/5 live in the exclusion zone and 2) I came into 2021 mentally prepared for bad news.

So anyway, since I can't go anywhere or see anyone, I'm totally up for playing drinking games over video chat at some point this weekend.

If I'm not mistaken this person got the british strain while not having been outside of the country?
That must main other people have it too which is a bit worrying looking at the state of hospitals in london right now.

Let's hope it'll stay at 3 days and nothing more is needed.
So far australia seems to have handled it a lot better than europe did...