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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
My tour got cancelled today :( But I'm going on another one in about an hour now. Hope it's a good one. Also hope I deleted enough blurred photos to make space for today's pictures, cos now that I'm on the internet I won't bother myself with finding a shop that sells memory cards. Still can't believe I ran out of space! Must be all those pictures I took at Mini Europe :ugly:



W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Just fine. :) Saturday we have this Helsinki City Marathon -event and today I'm gonna go do something there. We gotta put all these brochures and other stuff in plastic bags and then we're gonna give them to the runners when they come get their running numbers and other stuff. :D

What about you?

But... that sounds like... work... isn't that boring? :p

I'm ok, had some problems waking up, and am still quite tired. so yeah, that's annoying :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
But... that sounds like... work... isn't that boring? :p

I'm ok, had some problems waking up, and am still quite tired. so yeah, that's annoying :(

It's volunteer work. :D I do some athletics competitions/events every year. For example this Helsinki City Marathon I do every year. I don't really know why I like it that much because it's also quite exhausting to be there three days. :D

Ow. :( I'm a bit tired too but it's fine.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
So I was hanging out in the living room where my parents are watching baseball. I hate watching sports so I'm playing video games, not paying attention. Then a funny thing happened.

Somehow a bat managed to get onto the baseball field. Like the animal bat. Not a baseball bat. That was funny on its own. But the guy who grabbed it to carry it off the field was the "bat boy" (according to his jersey). :D

ROFL that's cute!


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
My tour got cancelled today :( But I'm going on another one in about an hour now. Hope it's a good one. Also hope I deleted enough blurred photos to make space for today's pictures, cos now that I'm on the internet I won't bother myself with finding a shop that sells memory cards. Still can't believe I ran out of space! Must be all those pictures I took at Mini Europe :ugly:

It's hard to believe how many pictures you take when you have a digital camera. We filled up at least 8GB of cards and it will take months to go through them all.

How was MiniEurope? we were looking at it but figured it wasn't worth the price to go in. Did Quark take you on the beer tour?