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W:O:A Metalhead
5 days off doing nothing :cool:


I watched all 3 dvd of Wacken 2014 and I'm wondering if I was there, lol :)

Man... I missed a lot of good band, mosh pit, etc... Oh well, I will return.

I would say it's a must buy if you were there. The DVD pack also contains a scrapbook with the history of the 25 years of Wacken year by year with pictures. Really nice.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

I watched all 3 dvd of Wacken 2014 and I'm wondering if I was there, lol :)

Man... I missed a lot of good band, mosh pit, etc... Oh well, I will return.

I would say it's a must buy if you were there. The DVD pack also contains a scrapbook with the history of the 25 years of Wacken year by year with pictures. Really nice.

It's already been released?
That's quick! :ek:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland

I watched all 3 dvd of Wacken 2014 and I'm wondering if I was there, lol :)

Man... I missed a lot of good band, mosh pit, etc... Oh well, I will return.

I would say it's a must buy if you were there. The DVD pack also contains a scrapbook with the history of the 25 years of Wacken year by year with pictures. Really nice.

At these big festivals you always miss loads of Good stuff. But the main thing is that you enjoyed your self