But then again I reckon you're off again.
So...as most of you are probably aware, I had my head shaved for charity two weeks ago. Well, I went out for drinks tonight and a friend of the birthday girl introduced herself and asked me my name. I told her, and she said "boy or girl?"Being asked my preferred pronoun is so far the weirdest thing I've experienced since having my hair cut short
the greatest thing is all the mad head-rubs I get and I don't even have to ask for them
My collegues at work seriously thought, that veterinarian was the word for veteran.... And I'm not talking one poor bastard with a little black out, I'm talking 10 people who couldn't figure it out though consciously thinking about it.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
Un veteran et un vétérinaire, makes a big difference!
3 hours lunch break... seriously, what am I supposed to do with that kind of time?
They wouldn't even believe me right away when I told them the difference.