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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
So...as most of you are probably aware, I had my head shaved for charity two weeks ago. Well, I went out for drinks tonight and a friend of the birthday girl introduced herself and asked me my name. I told her, and she said "boy or girl?" :confused: Being asked my preferred pronoun is so far the weirdest thing I've experienced since having my hair cut short :p the greatest thing is all the mad head-rubs I get and I don't even have to ask for them :D


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
So...as most of you are probably aware, I had my head shaved for charity two weeks ago. Well, I went out for drinks tonight and a friend of the birthday girl introduced herself and asked me my name. I told her, and she said "boy or girl?" :confused: Being asked my preferred pronoun is so far the weirdest thing I've experienced since having my hair cut short :p the greatest thing is all the mad head-rubs I get and I don't even have to ask for them :D

Awh, good old headrubs.... Havent had one in years...


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
My collegues at work seriously thought, that veterinarian was the word for veteran.... And I'm not talking one poor bastard with a little black out, I'm talking 10 people who couldn't figure it out though consciously thinking about it.