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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Damn it...had quite possibly the longest nightmare ever. The basic gist if it was I was trying to fit in a friend's birthday, a family function and packing drums in time for the Children Of Bodom show :uff: Waking up from it didn't make things better because even though it was a bit dark when I woke up, I realised it's Monday and I'd have to be awake in less than an hour :o

All I can say then is: good luck to you today!


W:O:A Metalhead
hmm, can't the weekend start a bit early this week?

.. yeah, can't wait for the next weekend. Baseball weekend! Going to see 2 ball game Toronto Blue Jays against New York Mets. Been at least 15y I didn't attend a baseball game.. Well, since we lost our Montreal Expos :(

I just hope it will not snowing again... We had another snow storm this saturday, 10cm... again... And with the crappy olympic stadium, if there is more than 3-5 cm of snow on the "non-retractable" roof, they will cancel the games. This is what happen this weekend with the opening MLS soccer game. The game has been postponed because of the snow on the roof (precaution)

... oh and it was -18c this morning... fffaawwkkk... tired of snow/cold weather.. It's spring dammit.....


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
.. yeah, can't wait for the next weekend. Baseball weekend! Going to see 2 ball game Toronto Blue Jays against New York Mets. Been at least 15y I didn't attend a baseball game.. Well, since we lost our Montreal Expos :(

I just hope it will not snowing again... We had another snow storm this saturday, 10cm... again... And with the crappy olympic stadium, if there is more than 3-5 cm of snow on the "non-retractable" roof, they will cancel the games. This is what happen this weekend with the opening MLS soccer game. The game has been postponed because of the snow on the roof (precaution)

... oh and it was -18c this morning... fffaawwkkk... tired of snow/cold weather.. It's spring dammit.....

And? Did the Mets win? :ugly:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
.. yeah, can't wait for the next weekend. Baseball weekend! Going to see 2 ball game Toronto Blue Jays against New York Mets. Been at least 15y I didn't attend a baseball game.. Well, since we lost our Montreal Expos :(

I just hope it will not snowing again... We had another snow storm this saturday, 10cm... again... And with the crappy olympic stadium, if there is more than 3-5 cm of snow on the "non-retractable" roof, they will cancel the games. This is what happen this weekend with the opening MLS soccer game. The game has been postponed because of the snow on the roof (precaution)

... oh and it was -18c this morning... fffaawwkkk... tired of snow/cold weather.. It's spring dammit.....

actually this weekend I'll be on call, so my weekend will most likely suck :p

But yeah those amounts of snow suck as well... any spring weather likely to be coming in any time soon?