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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland

When will you know for sure? I hope it's not epilepsy.

Well I will go to see a neurologist maybe during a month. So I might have to wait pretty long. :/ Yeah me too because I have/had some plans to go to army and maybe have a career there then and so on..

I can imagine...what diagcnostical checks are already made?

I'm not sure what this means :D But I went to see a doctor last week and he checked my hemoglobin and also they took some blood and electrocardiogram. Today the doctor called and said everything is okay.

I might've had the seizure because I hit my head. I hope that's the case and not epilepsy. But I kind of doubt I have epilepsy because I've had only one seizure.