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W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Pretty much. We tend to use it as a collective term for any garment that covers the legs (and isn't a skirt or dress) that one would consider a "decent" thing to wear outside the house :p So I guess when we say "no pants day" you shouldn't be too horrified; we could mean we're still wearing boxer-shorts :ugly:



W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Pretty much. We tend to use it as a collective term for any garment that covers the legs (and isn't a skirt or dress) that one would consider a "decent" thing to wear outside the house :p So I guess when we say "no pants day" you shouldn't be too horrified; we could mean we're still wearing boxer-shorts :ugly:

yeah that's pretty much how I would use the word pants