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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia

There's a difference in pronounciation between Dutch and German. It's hard to explain though, especially since I do not know how to write in phonetic .

But... maybe you shouldn't learn German, but Dutch! :p

I get that, I could even pick the Dutch accent when they spoke German when I was in the Netherlands. Thing is, I haven't spent that much of my life listening to the Dutch language, or Dutch people speaking (in English or Dutch for that matter). After nearly 14 years of listening to Rammstein, I'm dumbfounded as to how I managed to repeat some stuff in the wrong accent :ugly:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I get that, I could even pick the Dutch accent when they spoke German when I was in the Netherlands. Thing is, I haven't spent that much of my life listening to the Dutch language, or Dutch people speaking (in English or Dutch for that matter). After nearly 14 years of listening to Rammstein, I'm dumbfounded as to how I managed to repeat some stuff in the wrong accent :ugly:


Probably due to your own native Australian accent. Nothing to worry about. I can perfectly understand Dutch! :ugly:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Are they remotely similar sounding? I have no idea. I'm usually pretty reasonable at (some) other accents and pronunciation.

I don't know. I just know that, if you don't practice accents, you'll always have an accent of your native language. (e.g. my French with Dutch accent, as many still say)
If you want more of a German accent, you'll need to watch (in original version, or dubbed in German) many German programms, shows, series etc. And really LISTEN to the accent, learn its intonations etc. It's not something you'll do in 4, 5 days, it'll take some time to master it.
IT took me abut 4 years to get my English accent. :ugly:


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I don't know. I just know that, if you don't practice accents, you'll always have an accent of your native language. (e.g. my French with Dutch accent, as many still say)
If you want more of a German accent, you'll need to watch (in original version, or dubbed in German) many German programms, shows, series etc. And really LISTEN to the accent, learn its intonations etc. It's not something you'll do in 4, 5 days, it'll take some time to master it.
IT took me abut 4 years to get my English accent. :ugly:

True :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
We had the weirdest power/internet outage last night. Stuff like the TV came on and off, the lights flickered, my computer stayed on the entire time, and only Skype worked...:confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
We had the weirdest power/internet outage last night. Stuff like the TV came on and off, the lights flickered, my computer stayed on the entire time, and only Skype worked...:confused:

Well computers can still run when the power isn't going out for longer then ~1.3 seconds.
Your modem doesn't like stuff like that though, so it's likely that it would screw up things, so that could explain the skype only thing.