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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Good morning/afternoon people!

Last saturday, Bullet for my Valentine was a blast !

Except for those stupid bodyguards who keep pushing back the crowd surfers to us instead of removing them.. Jezzz.

And at the end of the show, I managed to get my two hand on a drum stick but we were like 6-7 hand on it. One of the no-brainer bodyguard grab and pull the stick toward him (behind the fence) to remove a couple of hand and I was the last one on the stick. I looked him in the eye, he pulled again, he got the stick, crack it on his knee and throw back the 2 parts...:eek::mad::mad::mad:

Way to go loser...Stupid jerk

But i'm sore as hell today :p But it is part of the Wacken training, lol :ugly:

Gosh someone needs to learn how to bodyguard! :uff: I have no idea of the size/intensity of the crowd, but I guess they couldn't figure out that maybe some people do it as a safe way to get out of a crowd? Or how easy it is for the moshers to push crowd surfers out of the way?


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
Hey Ayush ;) Do they have Halloween in India?

Nope. The Christian population here is under 1%. Most people don't even know what Halloween is. I did however have quite an eventful fortnight or so. 10 days of business trip. That was directly followed by 4 days of Diwali vacation (that's like the Christmas of India, biggest festival) which I used to go on a 1500 km roadtrip. :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
Also, I had a chance to eat the most amazing food preparation on my trip... It's called "karimeen pollichathu"... it's fish marinated and then smoked for a few hours while wrapped in Banana leaves. It looks messy when it comes out but god damn it tastes good. O_O


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Nope. The Christian population here is under 1%. Most people don't even know what Halloween is. I did however have quite an eventful fortnight or so. 10 days of business trip. That was directly followed by 4 days of Diwali vacation (that's like the Christmas of India, biggest festival) which I used to go on a 1500 km roadtrip. :D

Ooo sounds fun, where did you go?