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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007

It's like "our" song for a friend and mine. We first played it when we had just managed to pull our camper out of the mud at Headbangers Festival and were finally able to go back. We sat down inside that huge camper, blasted that song at full volume and went our ways on wide, wide roads. It was awesome :D Has been our song ever since.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
It's already quite short, but I hate the look of it. The cut reminds me of something my mother would pay to get, except the parts I cut myself at the sides with safety scissors (before I got it done professionally) weren't touched. I'm wondering if I shaved the whole lot to a no.4 (I think that's 1/2 inch), whether or not I'd hate it more :uff:

Oh okay. :D