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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Whingey post time!

Got stuck behind a P-plater today who drove worse than any learner-driver I ever remember seeing. Doing anywhere between 10 and 30km/hr under the speed limit (never maintained speed...ever), jumped on the breaks for no good reason (probably thought he/she was teaching people a "lesson" for tailgating), and just when you thought you could get rid of them, they realised they were in the wrong lane for turning at the last second...EVERY TIME! :uff: On that 15km stretch it's outright dangerous and illegal to overtake anywhere as it's single carriage way on winding roads.

A bunch of us also nearly got taken out by someone trying to overtake a truck coming the opposite way.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Whingey post time!

Got stuck behind a P-plater today who drove worse than any learner-driver I ever remember seeing. Doing anywhere between 10 and 30km/hr under the speed limit (never maintained speed...ever), jumped on the breaks for no good reason (probably thought he/she was teaching people a "lesson" for tailgating), and just when you thought you could get rid of them, they realised they were in the wrong lane for turning at the last second...EVERY TIME! :uff: On that 15km stretch it's outright dangerous and illegal to overtake anywhere as it's single carriage way on winding roads.

A bunch of us also nearly got taken out by someone trying to overtake a truck coming the opposite way.

Now I know why I don't like driving (with someone for that matter).
One crazy fool is enough. Regardless of the driver who's driving me!


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Good! I really like it, although waking up early in the morning isn't my thing at all.

I'm really busy... I'm at work at 7am or 8am and I get home 3.30-4pm. And after 6pm I go to school. So I don't really have time to do anything else. It's really tiring.

But I get more money than I've ever gotten so yey. :D

I'm glad you are at least adapting to it ;) Getting up early is hard if you are not used to it but it does get easier eventually. It's nice to have your own money though for sure!


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Whingey post time!

Got stuck behind a P-plater today who drove worse than any learner-driver I ever remember seeing. Doing anywhere between 10 and 30km/hr under the speed limit (never maintained speed...ever), jumped on the breaks for no good reason (probably thought he/she was teaching people a "lesson" for tailgating), and just when you thought you could get rid of them, they realised they were in the wrong lane for turning at the last second...EVERY TIME! :uff: On that 15km stretch it's outright dangerous and illegal to overtake anywhere as it's single carriage way on winding roads.

A bunch of us also nearly got taken out by someone trying to overtake a truck coming the opposite way.

They shouldn't let people practice driving on roads. They need to make a road course where they can go an learn until they can reasonably control the car and then they can graduate to an actual road with other drivers. Putting someone right on the road who has never been behind the wheel of a car is just asking for trouble! Glad you didn't get killed!


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
They shouldn't let people practice driving on roads. They need to make a road course where they can go an learn until they can reasonably control the car and then they can graduate to an actual road with other drivers. Putting someone right on the road who has never been behind the wheel of a car is just asking for trouble! Glad you didn't get killed!

I should clarify - a driver on P Plates means they passed their driving exam, and if I recall correctly, they were displaying the green one, which means they've been licensed for at least a year. I want to know who passed this dickhead :uff:


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Also words cannot describe how frustrating it is when you're driving for that distance and you can't overtake without majorly risking your car, your life, or the life of another :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
They shouldn't let people practice driving on roads. They need to make a road course where they can go an learn until they can reasonably control the car and then they can graduate to an actual road with other drivers. Putting someone right on the road who has never been behind the wheel of a car is just asking for trouble! Glad you didn't get killed!

All nice, but what do you do in a country where the density is around 300 people/km²? (450-500 people/mile²)
I'd prefer driving schools, where an instructer is next to you, and has his own set of controls, so he can interveen(?) when needed.

But I've got it easy, I don't drive. :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
All nice, but what do you do in a country where the density is around 300 people/km²? (450-500 people/mile²)
I'd prefer driving schools, where an instructer is next to you, and has his own set of controls, so he can interveen(?) when needed.

But I've got it easy, I don't drive. :p

That's how I started off. I was extremely nervous behind the wheel until I had a few professional lessons.