W:O:A Metalmaster
Yesterday was my first day at my new work place. I'm tired.
Yesterday was my first day at my new work place. I'm tired.
Might have had something to do with the fact that my dream that I've had for over half of my life had finally come true I got there at 8pm and thought I'd totally missed out on a decent-ish spot, but the Germans are polite and move out of the way if you ask them nicely. I was *this* close to being sprayed during Pussy; seriously I missed the suds by about a metre or two! Anyways, I could see the stage, I could see the screen, everyone around me knew all the words, I didn't fall over, yeah - can't imagine being too much happier at the time
Yesterday was my first day at my new work place. I'm tired.
Yesterday was my first day at my new work place. I'm tired.
Wow that's crazy.. I can't believe how different the experiences were. It's not like I was rude at all - I didn't even say anything except "sorry I don't speak German"
Tired in a good way? How is the job?
Well I guess? It's nice. My co-workers are nice and I have enough to do. Lot of standing tho which makes my feet hurt. And I have to wake up reeeeally early.
Well I guess? It's nice. My co-workers are nice and I have enough to do. Lot of standing tho which makes my feet hurt. And I have to wake up reeeeally early.
Well I guess? It's nice. My co-workers are nice and I have enough to do. Lot of standing tho which makes my feet hurt. And I have to wake up reeeeally early.
How early?
Good for your health.
They will only hurt for the first while, especially if you are on hard floors. Make sure you have good shoes with thick rubber soles - or get insoles. They will help. Unless you are getting up before 4:50 am I will still be up before you. Of course you are younger and need more sleep
Yesterday, today and tomorrow (and some other days too) I will go to work at 7 so I have to wake up at six which is really early to me. Usually I'll go there at 8.
Could be worse. Back in the day when I worked in Brisbane CBD and did opening shifts, I'd have to start at 6am, which meant getting to work before that, which meant leaving home before 5:30am. I don't miss it
Ouch, that sucks. These two days I've been there 7-15, usually 8-15.
Whaaat how early do you go?
It actually sucked a lot less than finishing a shift at 6am