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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Have my nephew here, till Sunday. So I'm not that much online now. He's got to learn some French here. (but I doubt I'll be a good teacher :D)

Nonetheless, he's here. Studying geography now. (which he has to learn for his school for next week) So.. I've got some time.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
So yeah, I was so pissed off at what happened during today's meeting and it was entirely the fault of the programme :o I basically had to write an essay for this one patient, and I thought "for sure there has to be some spelling errors in that", so I went to press spellcheck, and the thing logged me out! :mad: I logged back in, praying that my work had been saved automatically, but only half a paragraph remained, so I had to start all over again. 45 minutes later, we finally finished discussing said patient :uff:


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Had the house to myself for a few hours so I put on one of my Rammstein DVD's and danced around while I waited for my cake to bake. I'm sure science can explain this one, but after doing that I was so out of breath and could hardly sing along after only a couple of songs, and I wonder how I lasted doing this for almost 2 hours when I saw them at Wacken :confused:


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Had the house to myself for a few hours so I put on one of my Rammstein DVD's and danced around while I waited for my cake to bake. I'm sure science can explain this one, but after doing that I was so out of breath and could hardly sing along after only a couple of songs, and I wonder how I lasted doing this for almost 2 hours when I saw them at Wacken :confused:

It's the magic of the crowd :) I am normally in bed by 9 pm but I was up all hours there and didn't feel tired at all. We actually had to bail out of the crowd for Rammstein.. Very bad experience. We were originally about 3/4 of the way up to the front of the stage but as people started coming in we were getting pushed more forward and people started elbowing their way in front and then this asshole who was about 7 feet tall decided he was going to stand right in front of me and nearly missed my face with his elbow. Needless to say I have never been claustrophobic but standing in that place I was not feeling in any way safe. After having my head nearly taken off by a crowd surfer we decided to just go stand at the back, so we did and it was a great show ;) Next time we will just hang out near the back where it's safer! I'm too old for that shit!


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
It's the magic of the crowd :) I am normally in bed by 9 pm but I was up all hours there and didn't feel tired at all. We actually had to bail out of the crowd for Rammstein.. Very bad experience. We were originally about 3/4 of the way up to the front of the stage but as people started coming in we were getting pushed more forward and people started elbowing their way in front and then this asshole who was about 7 feet tall decided he was going to stand right in front of me and nearly missed my face with his elbow. Needless to say I have never been claustrophobic but standing in that place I was not feeling in any way safe. After having my head nearly taken off by a crowd surfer we decided to just go stand at the back, so we did and it was a great show ;) Next time we will just hang out near the back where it's safer! I'm too old for that shit!

Might have had something to do with the fact that my dream that I've had for over half of my life had finally come true :D I got there at 8pm and thought I'd totally missed out on a decent-ish spot, but the Germans are polite and move out of the way if you ask them nicely. I was *this* close to being sprayed during Pussy; seriously I missed the suds by about a metre or two! Anyways, I could see the stage, I could see the screen, everyone around me knew all the words, I didn't fall over, yeah - can't imagine being too much happier at the time :D