I'm trying to learn Mein Herz Brennt on piano and it's way harder than I thought
Wait, shouldn't you be practicing drums?
Too wrecked
It's almost weekend...
* Already weekend for Alix and other Australians
** Long weekend for me, we have a festive holiday in India on 14th Oct.
i got drunk last week and I think i might have bought a house
lol i was going to anyway, I just get very drunk and then made the final decision
it's how I've made some of the best decisions of my life
Good thing you have the whole weekend to rest and recuperate then
My Wacken/Germany trip last year was my first real vacation since 1998. Damn I was overdue. Now I want to vacation all the time.
That's the crux of getting vacations.. It's SO hard to go back to not having them!
That's not how I would make any decisions personally.. I'm not the best decision maker drunk LOL