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W:O:A Metalhead
We can arrange something, if it is not during Dong Open Air (17-19 Juillet) and on 21 juillet. (National Holiday here). And on 29 juillet either, I'm leaving that very day to Wacken. (and have a birthday that same day here)

Roughly, it should be from july 10th to 19th in Belgium
20 to august 3rd in germany
4th to august 7th in Amsterdam

So I guess something between july 12 to 16th. If it doesn'T work, at least, we have to meet in Wacken with all the peeps from this thread.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Roughly, it should be from july 10th to 19th in Belgium
20 to august 3rd in germany
4th to august 7th in Amsterdam

So I guess something between july 12 to 16th. If it doesn'T work, at least, we have to meet in Wacken with all the peeps from this thread.

We can arrange something there. :)

Otherwise, like you said, there's still Wacken. And I'm planning on organising an (international) meeting again like in 10. So...


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
Brand new GS4: $450
Money obtained from selling previous smartphone: $310
Therefore, cost of upgrade: $140
Cost of GS4 upgrade on two year contract: $138

And that, my friends, is how you upgrade whenever you want.


We don't get on-contract phones here, so we have to pay bucketloads to get a decent phone. I had to pay ~$690 for my HTC One. But on the flipside our usage charges are one of the lowest across the globe. The 0 monthly rental plans charge about 0.8 cent per minute for calling, 0.8 cent per text message. I pay 20 Dollars a month for my plan and I get unlimited national calls, unlimited texts, 2GB of 3G data and unlimited 2G data. So, it still works out to be cheaper than an on-contract phone in the long run :D