I remember derivatives and pretty much everything after that fairly well. It was the first part of the class I sucked at because I was still catching up on 4 years of not having any math at all.
None of that made any sense.
You weren't drinking and deriving because it wasn't beer.
What does beer have to do with September?
October is the month of pumpkin stuff.
I never passed algebra, never took pre-calc, never took trig.
You just can't follow my thinking process. Drinking + deriving = having something to drink while deriving, and I was drinking a soda. Drinking and deriving made me think of beer, so I had to mention my pumpkin ale. Makes perfect sense.
I was drinking SODA. So, I was drinking and deriving.
Beer operates differently. Pumpkin comes out in August and ends in early November, Winter beer starts in mid November and ends in January, which is when spring seasonals come out. You just don't get it because you don't drink beer.
Well aren't you special.
I did fine, just forgot some stuff. Sue me.
So basically you made fake connections to mention it.
Technically. But not really.
Of course I don't. I also don't care.
Calculus? How old are you people?
24. I suck at math, and I'm going for a degree in... something I haven't decided yet at the master's level. To do that, I need calculus.
24. I suck at math, and I'm going for a degree in... something I haven't decided yet at the master's level. To do that, I need calculus.
You don't suck at math. You just thought you did.
I suck at math. I'm just good at calculus.
Calculus is math. Doof.
A type of math. I can be bad at something, and be good at one type of that something.
24. I suck at math, and I'm going for a degree in... something I haven't decided yet at the master's level. To do that, I need calculus.
22 here.