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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Germany is a rich, developed country. There's no comparison. I typically only manage to save about 500€ per month after taxes, rent, expenses and so on. But like I said... statistically, I fall under the top 0.2%, so you can imagine how bad it is for the rest. 50% of the population has to rely partially on government support for basic sustenance.

Though... there are people in Germany who gain (and don't get scared!!!) €1/hour! (GROSS)

Roughly said: 8€ a day, 320€ a month. And if rent only costs about €500...
I just saw it on TV.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I know.

And now the Dutch PM has seen the idea, and he likes it as well.
Let's hope he's the only one. 'Cause the Dutch economy isn't all that florious right now. Neither in Belgium, where the right winged parties look at it too. But in Belgium the Trade Unions are much more powerfull.

So this is what they are trying to do? control rent and pay everyone only 1€/day? I don't think that will sit very well with people who are making more than that, or is this for only the ones who can't find work?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
So this is what they are trying to do? control rent and pay everyone only 1€/day? I don't think that will sit very well with people who are making more than that, or is this for only the ones who can't find work?

It's not for everybody of course. Mostly for people who can't find decent work, and have to go somewhere for a job. Or.. unskilled people at jobs you don't need skills for. Something like that.

But I'm not sure actually. In Belgium and the Netherlands, there is still a minimum wage. I think Germany is the only EU member that does not have one, or at least from the western countries of the EU. (not the former Eastern European countries I mean)